Name: Darveru Higre

Nationality: Kingdom of Barien

Trivia: Higre is also known as The Golden Eagle of Barien, much to his elder brother’s annoyance, as the title was originally exclusively reserved for Barien’s Crown Prince. This is a fan-bestowed name, and Higre makes no claims to the Barien throne.


Role: protagonist

Trivia: Higre has the longest track record with TotES Studio among all the actors, having been on the company’s payroll for over ten years. He often stands in for Director Dernol as the face and voice of the company.

Personality: those who know him will swear he is a hopeless airhead who causes more trouble than he is worth, yet none would be able to imagine the studio or their lives without Higre in them.


"There's always a next time."


And now on to the more useless trivia.

Fun Fact #1

For a fortunate and totally unintended coincidence, the higre happens to be a big predatory bird, somewhat similar to an eagle. It would be quite a rare sight these days, and many people believe it to be extinct. On a side note, the higre owes its name to the sound it makes, which is said to sound something like “hig! hig!”.


Fun Fact #2

Higre can cook a great variety of delicious meals from some of the world’s most popular cuisines. Actually his skills – or lack of – are so great and his taste buds so fine he can replicate even the dishes he never had occasion of trying with just a handful of available ingredients. Everyone who has tried his food – with the exception of Kanzen – will confirm that “cooking” does not quite come close to describing what Higre does to food.

Fun Fact #3

Despite the shooting for the Roete Arc is long finished, Higre is still using the drama outfit as his every day wear. Of course, one of the reasons is that these clothes are very comfortable, having been designed after the Imperial nobility “holiday outfit”, which is both informal and stylish, to be worn on outings to the beach or countryside. But more importantly, these clothes were commissioned and designed by Zanas especially for him, so Higre treats them as a special gift he takes care of to this day.
